"My first union job was in Chicago."
This is not an unusual statement at a labor conference. But when it comes from one of the mothers of the Cuban Five it is an example of the rich history that exists between the people of the U.S. and Cuba.
The statement was made by Irma Sehwerert last year at the International Labor Conference in Tijuana, where she came from Cuba to represent the families of the Cuban Five. Her son, René González, was born in Chicago where Irma worked in the electrical industry.
On Sept. 12, 2008 René began his eleventh year of unjust imprisonment in Marianna, Florida.
And many in the immigrant rights struggle would certainly agree that Elvira Arellano who two years ago bravely defied deportation orders by taking sanctuary in a Chicago church is an example of "courage and dignity".. So it was moving beyond words to see Cuban union leader Carmen Godinez embrace Elvira at the 2007 Labor Conference in Tijuana, Mexico. Godinez was so overwhelmed by Elvira’s courage that she was moved to embrace her at the podium during the conference.
These two incidents at the 2007 conference are just a glimpse of the inspiring and even revolutionary passion you will experience at the Tijuana labor conference.
The 2008 Cuba/Venezuela/Latin America/North America Labor Conference is fast approaching - along with an economic crisis that crumbles illusions in the profit-first capitalist system and a new administration coming to Washington, D.C. setting the sights of millions of workers on a better life. There is a lot to learn and much to discuss and share.
How is ALBA (the anti-Free Trade Agreement!) affecting the lives of workers in Latin America? What is the state of U.S./Cuba and international relations? What effect is the downward economic spiral having on immigrants and the fight for immigrant rights and dignity? What about the struggles in the U.S. for the human right to housing, education, work and health care - and to live free of war? And the political prisoners held inside the U.S. like the Cuban Five and Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Friday, Dec. 5 is a night of solidarity with the Cuban Five - featuring Magali Llort Ruiz, mother of Fernando Gonzalez and a legal update by attorney Leonard Weinglass, his schedule permitting. Invited international guests include representatives from: Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Philippines, Haiti and Mexico.
Be there! Make travel and hotel arrangements now!
Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/North America Labor Conference - V Conferencia Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/Norte America
December, 5, 6 and 7, Diciembre 5,6 y 7 2008
Tijuana, Mexico
Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/North America Labor Conference - V Conferencia Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/Norte America
December, 5, 6 and 7, Diciembre 5,6 y 7 2008
Tijuana, Mexico
La lucha obrera no tiene fronteras! The workers’ struggle has no borders!
Special Friday reception/dinner. Meet Family members of the Cuban Five!
Online registration and payment available at laborexchange.blogspot.com
Conference participants are strongly encouraged to stay at the Conference Hotel to maximize interaction with international guests - a special rate that includes the breakfast buffet and Saturday dinner has been negotiated - ask for CUBA LABOR CONFERENCE.
Hotel Reservations at: Reservaciones de Hotel:
Hotel Palacio Azteca
Blvd Cuauhtemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila
22400 Tijuana, Mexico
*Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660
Single/Sencilla Room $98 U.S. Dollars • Double/Doble Room $141 U.S.
Dollars (This will included two breakfasts and one dinner)
(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena)
Please mention the/Favor de mencionar para un descueanto al:
CUBA LABOR CONFERENCE to get the special price.
Reservations should be made as soon as possible/Realice su reservación lo antes possible.
*If you have a problem please call 313 587 9285 or email laborexchange@aol.com
Note: For U.S. citizens - passport or photo ID AND birth certificate is now required to return to the U.S.