Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Register Now! Pay online!
Want to Register and pay online with charge card? Here's how at http://laborexchange.blogspot.com/
1) Click on DONATE button (upper right at laborexchange.blogspot.com), follow instructions
2) Conference Registration is $80
3) Enter the dollar amount - $80 (or more, if you can afford an additional donation to help with costs.) You and the Labor Exchange will both receive an email receipt that will be used at the conference to confirm your payment.
4) Send the info on the form below to mailto:laborexchange@action-mail.org
THEN - Make your hotel registration at Hotel Palacio Azteca, request the Cuba Labor Conference rate that includes breakfast and Saturday dinner (Send your hotel confirmation number to mailto:laborexchange@action-mail.org) Hotel details are farther down in this post. (If you have any problems with reserving a hotel room, please let us know - call: 313 575 4933.)
Conference Registration/ Datos para su inscripción a la Conferencia:
City,State, Zip/Ciudad, Estado, Zona postal:__________________
Email/Correo Electronico:______________________________
[ ] Enclosed is my registration fee of $ 80 U.S. dollars (includes dinner and special Free the Cuban Five program with family members from Cuba)
[ ] I would like to give a donation of $ ________ for a low-income participant.
[ ] Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 80 dolares US y quisiera aportar la cantidad de $_______para aquellos participantes de bajo ingreso.
Make checks payable to: Labor Exchange
Haga los chekes pagables a: Labor Exchange
US/Cuba Labor Exchange ● P.O. BOX 39188 ● Redford MI 48239 ● Phone/Fax: (313) 575 4933 ● Email: laborexchange@aol.com
Reservations can be made at: Reservaciones de Hotel:
Hotel Palacio Azteca
Blvd Cuahutemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila
22400 Tijuana, Mexico
*Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660
Single/Sencilla Room $81 U.S. Dollars
Double/Doble Room $116 U.S. Dollars
(This will included two breakfasts and one dinner)
(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena)
Saturday: Coffee and sweets all day * Sabado: Cafe y bocadillos todo el dia
Please mention the/Favor de mencionar para un descueanto al:
Cuba Labor Conference to get the special price.
Reservations should be made as soon as possible/Realice su reservación lo antes possible.
*If you have a problem please call 313 575 4933 or laborexchange@aol.com
Directions: San Diego Airport to Tijuana
How to Get from the
Welcome to the
Get off the bus downtown at the corner of Broadway and
When you get off the trolley, you will be at the border on the
Walk a block or two further on to find a red and white or orange and white taxi. “Necesito un taxi libre” or “Necesito un taxi colectivo” is what you will reply to anyone offering assistance. It’s always a good idea to have an agreement with the taxi driver on the price before you get in the taxi. Dollars are accepted pretty much anywhere in
Alternatively, when you exit the trolley at the San Ysidro station you can take a Mexicoach shuttle bus, which you should be able to locate nearby, to the Tijuana Tourist Terminal in downtown
OH YES ... the hotel is
the Palacio Azteca.
Address: Blvd. Cauhutemoc Sur #213
Here is a map...the Palacio Azteca is #5
Posted by Labor Exchange at 2:29 AM
Tijuana International Labor Conference!
and Sp

Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/NorthAmerica Labor Conference - VI
Conferencia Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/Norte America - VI
December, 4, 5 and 6, Diciembre 4,5 y 6, 2009
¡La lucha obrera no tiene fronteras! The workers’ struggle has no borders!
Uniting America's Working Class and Increasing its Influence
U.S.-Cuba – Latin America- International Relations •
FTAA/NAFTA: the ALBA Alternative • Crises-Integration and Solidarity
Immigration between US/Latin America– Inmigración entre Estados y Latinoamérica •
Free the Cuban Five from U.S. prisons – Family visits now!
Conference Registration - $55 (register and pay online)
Cuban leaders of the Confederation of Cuban Worker s (CTC) will visit Tijuana, Mexico, a city 15 minutes from the San Diego, U.S./Mexico border.
This conference will give people from North America (the United States, Canada and Mexico) the opportunity to hear first hand from Latinamerican and Caribbean workers. Also, you will hear from Union leaders of: Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Haiti, Philippines, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador and the U.S. discussing the social and labor movements in the Americas.
Lideres sindicales Cubanos de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC),
visitaran Tijuana, Mexico, una ciudad a 15 minutos de San Diego, CA. USA. de la
frontera Mexico/EE.UU.
Esta conferencia le brindará la oportunidad a los trabajadores de Norte America de obtener informacion de primera mano sobre la situación de los trabajadores en Latinoamerica y el Caribea. Tambien estaran presentes lideres sindicalistas de: Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Haiti, Filipinas, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador y los EE.UU.
CUBA: Ernesto Freire Cazanas, Head Officer, Foreign Relations of C.T.C.; Carmen Godinez, CTC; Anibal Melo, WFTU America Region;
VENEZUELA: Representantes de Venezuela;
ECUADOR: Confederacion de Trabajadores del Ecuador;
BOLIVIA: Representante de C.O.B.;
NICARAGUA: Frente Nacional de Trabajadores, FNT
HONDURAS: Juan Barahona, Presidente de la Federacion Unitaria de Trabajadores de Honduras
HAITI: Dukens Raphael Secretario General Confederation des Travailleurs du Sector Public et Prive
PUERTO RICO: Angel Figueroa Jaramillo Presidente de la UTIER
PANAMA: Genaro López; Secretario General SUNTRACS
NICARAGUA: Freddy Franco Secretario General FEPDES
PHILI PPINES: Elmer LaBog, Chairperson, Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU);
MEXICO: Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas (SME); Oliverio Esquivel: FSM- Mexi co
ESTADOS UNIDOS: Cristina Vasquez, Workers United; Baldemar Velazquez, Presidente of FLOC (Farm Labor Organizing Committee)
Friday, December 4, 2009 - 6 pm -11 pm
Dinner reception to welcome family of the Cuban Five. Current developments in the international movement to Free the Five Cuban Heroes unjustly held in U.S. prisons for twelve years.
Saturday December 5, 2009 - 9 am - 1 pm
Impact of the crisis on the workers. Positions of the Latin American and Caribbean labor movements addressing the crisis. Alternatives.
Impacto de la crisis en los trabajadores. Posiciones del movimiento sindical latinoamericano y caribeno frente a la crisis. Alternativas
International union guests will discuss the relation s between the United States, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico,and the rest of Latin America, including the U.S. blockade against
Cuba, the threats to the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela, Bolivia and the
imposition of Neoliberal policies on Mexico.
Saturday, December 5, 2009 - 3 pm - 7 pm
ALBA as a growing alternative to the FTAA. Here we will debate the defeat of the FTAA and the continued pursuit o f the U.S. transnationals to implement free trade agreements -
one by one - in Latin America. Hear and discuss how nine member countries of ALBA
are responding in collective solidarity to the urgent problems of energy and food crises, education, communication, sports, and the necessities of life for those marginalized by colonialism and imperialist globalization. Find out about the newest development, how Latin America labor federations are organizing themselves for Workers Unite for a New America.
Sunday, December 7, 2008 - 9 am -3 pm
Latin American immigration to the U.S. Here we will discuss the disastrous effects of the FTAA imposed by the U.S. government and U.S. transnationals on Latin America that destroys the Latin American economy and forces millions of workers to emigrate to the U.S. where they become modern day slaves, have their human rights violated and are humiliated.
SPONSORS (partial):
U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange;
Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas (SME);
Federacion Sindical Mundial;
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five;
National Network on Cuba (NNOC);
Venezuela Solidarity Network (VSN);
International Action Center (IAC);
Cuba Solidarity New York (CSNY);
Southwest Workers Union, San Antonio, Texas;
C.O.M.P.A., Converjencia de losMovimientos de los Pueblos de Las Americas.
Conference Registration/ Datos para su inscripción a la Conferencia:
City,State, Zip/Ciudad, Estado, Zona postal:_____________________
Email/Correo Electronico:____________________________________
Union/Organization /Sindicato:________________________________
[ ] Enclosed is my registrati on fee of $ 55 U.S.dollars ([ ] additional donation $30 requested special Free the Five dinner, Friday - $20 for residents of Mexico)
[ ]I would like to give a donation of $________ for a low-income participant.
[ ] Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 55 dolares US y quisiera aportar la cantidad de $_______para aquellos participantes de bajo ingreso.
([ ] donación adicional - 30 dolares-– una cena especial – viernes – por Los Cincos - 20 dolares para residentes de Mexico)
Make checks payable to: Labor Exchange
Haga los chekes pagables a: Labor Exchange
US/Cuba Labor Exchange ● P.O. BOX 39188 ● Redford MI 48239 ●
Phone/Fax: (313) 575 4933 ● Email: laborexchange at aol.com
Reservations can be made at: Reservaciones de Hotel:
Hotel Palacio Azteca
Blvd Cuauhtemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila 22400
Tijuana, Mexico
*Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660
Single/Sencilla Room $80 U.S.Dollars per night
Double/Doble Room $114 U.S. Dollars per night
*(This will included two breakfasts and one dinner per person)
(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena por persona)
Please mention the/Favor de mencionar para un descuento al:
Cuba Labor Conference to get the discounted price.
Reservations should be made as soon as possible/Realice su reservacion lo antes possible.
*If you have a problem please call 313 575 4933 or email: laborexchange@aol.com