Tuesday, December 7, 2010
VII Labor Conference concludes in Tijuana
The VI U.S./Cuba/Mexico Labor Conference ended on Sunday, Dec. 5. Stay tuned for video, articles, interviews and upcoming activities.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
How to Get from the San Diego International Airport to Tijuana:
Welcome to the San Diego International Airport.
Just outside the airport terminal you will find signs where the MTS #992 bus will stop and pick you up and take you downtown. These buses have luggage racks for your convenience. They run every 15 minutes from 5 a.m. to midnight. The cost is $2.25 or $1.10 for seniors 60 and over. You must have exact change.
Just outside the airport terminal you will find signs where the MTS #992 bus will stop and pick you up and take you downtown. These buses have luggage racks for your convenience. They run every 15 minutes from 5 a.m. to midnight. The cost is $2.25 or $1.10 for seniors 60 and over. You must have exact change.
Get off the bus downtown at the corner of Broadway and Kettner Blvd. Cross the street to the American Plaza Transit Center. Buy a trolley ticket at the ticket machine. The cost is $2.50 or $1.25 for seniors 60 and over. The trolleys run on an honor system, but hold on to your ticket for the length of the trip in case you are asked to prove that you paid. You need to board a Blue Line trolley in the direction of San Ysidro. If the front of the trolley says El Cajon, that is not the one you want. It should say San Ysidro. San Ysidro is the last trolley stop on the Blue Line south. It’s about a 45-minute ride.
When you get off the trolley, you will be at the border on the U.S. side. You can walk across the border although it’s a bit of a hike, especially if you have a significant amount of luggage (travel light!). When you have crossed the pedestrian bridge over I-5, gone through the noisy turnstiles, passed by the small Mexican customs office, where no one will stop you, you’ll come out onto a street with many stalls selling touristy type items and you will see many yellow taxis. Ignore the many solicitations you will receive.
Walk a block or two further on to find a red and white or orange and white taxi. “Necesito un taxi libre” or “Necesito un taxi colectivo” is what you will reply to anyone offering assistance. It’s always a good idea to have an agreement with the taxi driver on the price before you get in the taxi. Dollars are accepted pretty much anywhere in Tijuana.
Alternatively, when you exit the trolley at the San Ysidro station you can take a Mexicoach shuttle bus, which you should be able to locate nearby, to the Tijuana Tourist Terminal in downtown Tijuana (between 6th and 7th on Avenida Revolución). The cost for this bus is $5.00. They depart every 30 minutes. The Hotel Palacio Azteca is still a good distance from this terminal (about a 25-minute walk) so you’ll probably want to take a taxi. Again, look for the red and white or orange and white “colectivo” or “libre” taxis.
OH YES ... the hotel is
the Palacio Azteca.
Address: Blvd. Cuauhtemoc Sur #213
Here is a map...the Palacio Azteca is #5
click on map for larger view
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/North America Labor Conference - VII
Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/NorthAmerica Labor Conference - VII
December, 3, 4 and 5, Diciembre 3, 4 y 5, 2010
Hotel Palacio Azteca - Tijuana, Mexico
¡La lucha obrera no tiene fronteras! The workers’struggle has no borders!
Uniting America's Working Class and Increasing its Influence
U.S.-Cuba – Latin America- International Relations •
FTAA/NAFTA: the ALBA Alternative • Crises-Integration and Solidarity
Immigration between US/Latin America– Inmigración entre Estados y Latinoamérica •
Free the Cuban Five from U.S.prisons – Family visits now!
Save the date and REGISTER NOW!
online registration available at: laborexchange.blogspot.com
Hotel Registration information below
Promotional literature will be available by Labor Day!
December, 3, 4 and 5, Diciembre 3, 4 y 5, 2010
Hotel Palacio Azteca - Tijuana, Mexico
¡La lucha obrera no tiene fronteras! The workers’struggle has no borders!
Uniting America's Working Class and Increasing its Influence
U.S.-Cuba – Latin America- International Relations •
FTAA/NAFTA: the ALBA Alternative • Crises-Integration and Solidarity
Immigration between US/Latin America– Inmigración entre Estados y Latinoamérica •
Free the Cuban Five from U.S.prisons – Family visits now!
Save the date and REGISTER NOW!
online registration available at: laborexchange.blogspot.com
Hotel Registration information below
Promotional literature will be available by Labor Day!
Cuban leaders of the Confederation of Cuban Worker s (CTC) will visit Tijuana, Mexico, a city 15 minutes from the San Diego, U.S./Mexico border. This conference will give people from North America (the United States, Canada and Mexico) the opportunity to hear first hand from the Latinoamerican and Caribbean workers. Also, you will hear from Union leaders of Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Haiti, Philippines, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador and the U.S. discussing the social and labor movements in the Americas.
Lideres sindicales Cubanos de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC), visitaran Tijuana, Mexico, una ciudad a 15 minutos de San Diego, CA. USA. de la frontera Mexico/EE.UU.. Esta conferencia le brindará la oportunidad a los trabajadores de Norte America de obtener informacion de pr imera mano sobre la situación de los trabajadores en Latinoamerica y el Caribea. Tambien estaran presentes lideres sindicalistas de: Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Haiti, Filipinas, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador y los EEUU.
Invited International Panelist /Invitados (in formation):
CUBA: Raymundo Navarro Feranadez International Relations of C.T.C.; Carmen Godinez, CTC of Cuba; VENEZUELA: Jacobo Torres de Leon Fuerza Socialista Bolivariana de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras; Roberto Caraspe y Rolando Semprum Sindicato Metro Caracas; ECUADOR: Confederacion de Trabajadores del Ecuador; BOLIVIA: Representante de C.O.B.; NICARAGUA: Frente Nacional de Trabajadores, FNT; COLOMBIA; HONDURAS; PUERTO RICO; BRAZIL: Joao Batista Lemos Secretario Adjunto de Relaciones Internacionales CTB; MEXICO; ESTADOS UNIDOS: Cristina Vasquez; Rosie Martinez SEIU Local 721
AGENDA (Follow updates as more program details become available)
Friday, December 3, 2010 - REGISTRATION afternoon
Friday, December 3, 2010 - 6 pm -11 pm
Dinner reception to welcome family of the Cuban Five. Current developments in the international movement to Free the Five Cuban Heroes unjustly held in U.S. prisons for twelve years.
Saturday December 4, 2010 - 9 am - 1 pm
Impacto de la crisis en los trabajadores. Posiciones del movimiento sindical
latinoamericano y caribeno frente a la crisis. Alternativas
International union guests will discuss the relation s between the United States, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico,and the rest of Latin America, including the economic, financial crises, U.S. blockade against Cuba, the threats to the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela, Bolivia and the imposition of Neoliberal policies on Mexico.
Saturday, December 4, 2010 - 3 pm - 7 pm
ALBA as a growing alternative to the FTAA. Here we will debate the defeat of the FTAA - Neoliberal Policies and the continued pursuit of the U.S. transnationals to implement free trade agreements - one by one - in Latin America. Hear and discuss how nine member countries of ALBA are responding in collective solidarity to the urgent problems of energy and food crises, education, communication, sports, and the necessities of life for those marginalized by colonialism and imperialist globalization. Find out about the newest development, how Latin America labor federations are organizing themselves for Workers Unite for a New America.
Sunday, December 5, 2010 - 9 am - 3 pm
Latin American immigration to the U.S. Here we will discuss the disastrous effects of the FTAA-politicas Neoliberales imposed by the U.S. government and U.S. transnationals on Latin America that destroys the Latin American economy and forces millions of workers to emigrate to the U.S. where they become modern day slaves, have their human rights violated and are humiliated.
SPONSORS (partial):
U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange
Federacion Sindical Mundial
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five;
International Action Center ( IAC)
Union del Barrio
Conference Registration/ Datos para su inscripción a la Conferencia:
Address/Direccion: ________________________________________________________________
Phone/Telefono:_________________________________________________ Fax:______________
Email/Correo Electronico: ___________________________________________________________
Union/Organization /Sindicato: Organizacion______________________________________________
[ ] Enclosed is my registration fee of $ 80 U.S.dollars (Friday - Saturday - Sunday) including Friday "Free the Five" program and dinner.
or [ ] $55 for Saturday and Sunday only.
[ ] I would like to give a donation of $________ for a low-income participant.
[ ] Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 80 dolares US (incluye una cena especial – viernes – por Los Cincos)
y quisiera aportar la cantidad de $_______para aquellos participantes de bajo ingreso.
o [ ] Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 55 dolares, sabado y domingo solamente.
Make checks payable to: Labor Exchange//Haga los chekes pagables a: Labor Exchange
US/Cuba Labor Exchange
P.O. BOX 39188
Redford MI 48239
Phone: (313) 575 4933
Email: laborexchange @ aol.com
Reservations can be made at: Reservaciones de Hotel:
Hotel Palacio Azteca
Blvd Cuauhtemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila 22400 Tijuana, Mexico
*Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660
Please mention the/Favor de mencionar para un descuento al:
Cuba Labor Conference to get the special price:
Single/Sencilla Room $81 U.S.Dollars *
Double/Doble Room $116 U.S. Dollars*
*(Room rates include two breakfasts and one Saturday dinner per person)
Saturday: Coffee and sweets all day
*(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena por persona)
Sabado: Cafe y bocadillos todo el dia
Reservations should be made as soon as possible/Realice su reservacion lo antes possible.
*If you have a problem please call 313 575 4933 or laborexchange@aol.com
Friday, July 16, 2010
2010 International Labor Conference in Tijuana, Mexico - Dec. 3, 4, 5
Register for the Conference online now! Reserve your hotel room then click on the DONATE button. Your $80 registration includes dinner on Friday and the conference registration. Hotel registration at Hotel Palacio Azteca includes dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Saturday and Sunday.
Promotional literature will be available prior to Labor Day.
Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/NorthAmerica Labor Conference - VII
December 3, 4 and 5, Diciembre 3, 4 y 5, 2010
¡La lucha obrera no tiene fronteras! The workers’struggle has no borders!
Uniting America's Working Class and Increasing its Influence
U.S.-Cuba – Latin America- International Relations • FTAA/NAFTA: the ALBA Alternative • Crises-Integration and Solidarity Immigration between US/Latin America– Inmigración entre Estados y Latinoamérica • Free the Cuban Five from U.S.prisons – Family visits now!
December 3, 4 and 5, Diciembre 3, 4 y 5, 2010
¡La lucha obrera no tiene fronteras! The workers’struggle has no borders!
Uniting America's Working Class and Increasing its Influence
U.S.-Cuba – Latin America- International Relations • FTAA/NAFTA: the ALBA Alternative • Crises-Integration and Solidarity Immigration between US/Latin America– Inmigración entre Estados y Latinoamérica • Free the Cuban Five from U.S.prisons – Family visits now!
Reservations can be made at: Reservaciones de Hotel:
Hotel Palacio Azteca
Blvd Cuauhtemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila 22400 Tijuana, Mexico
*Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660
Single/Sencilla Room $81 U.S.Dollars *
Double/Doble Room $116 U.S. Dollars*
*(This will included two breakfasts and one dinner per person)
Saturday: Coffee and sweets
(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena por persona)
Sabado: Cafe y bocadillos
Please mention the/Favor de mencionar para un descuento al:
Cuba Labor Conference to get the discounted price.
Reservations should be made as soon as possible/Realice su reservacion lo antes possible.
(If you have a problem please call 313 575 4933 or laborexchange@aol.com)
Hotel Palacio Azteca
Blvd Cuauhtemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila 22400 Tijuana, Mexico
*Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660
Single/Sencilla Room $81 U.S.Dollars *
Double/Doble Room $116 U.S. Dollars*
*(This will included two breakfasts and one dinner per person)
Saturday: Coffee and sweets
(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena por persona)
Sabado: Cafe y bocadillos
Please mention the/Favor de mencionar para un descuento al:
Cuba Labor Conference to get the discounted price.
Reservations should be made as soon as possible/Realice su reservacion lo antes possible.
(If you have a problem please call 313 575 4933 or laborexchange@aol.com)
Cuban 5,
immigrant rights,
labor solidarity,
Labor Unions,
Monday, July 5, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Unión del Barrio and the International Action Center have joined efforts with the Detroit-based U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange and the World Federation of Trade Unions to host a national tour of Latin American labor leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean, to Southern California.
Unión del Barrio y el Centro de Acción Internacional han unido esfuerzos con las siguientes organizaciones; Intercambio Laboral EEUU/Cuba basados en la ciudad de Detroit y la Federación Mundial de Sindicatos, para servir como anfitriones a la visita de representantes de sindicatos de países de America Latina y el Caribe, al sur de California.
Gilda Chacon Bravo, Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC)-CUBA
Ronal Quesada Zamora, Unión Nacional de Empleados de la Caja y la Seguridad Social (UNDECA)- COSTA RICA
Efrain Valentín Yepez Concha, Central General de Trabajadores de Peru (CGTP) – PERU
Gilda Chacon Bravo, Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC)-CUBA
Ronal Quesada Zamora, Unión Nacional de Empleados de la Caja y la Seguridad Social (UNDECA)- COSTA RICA
Efrain Valentín Yepez Concha, Central General de Trabajadores de Peru (CGTP) – PERU
Flier click on link|volante haga clic, http://uniondelbarrio.org/pdf/ALBAlabortour_socal_032010.pdf
SAN DIEGO, CA | Friday, March 26 | 6-8 pm
Teamster’s Union Hall | 2731 “B” St. | San Diego, CA 92102
LOS ANGELES, CA | Saturday, March 27th
Santee Educational Complex
1921 South Maple Ave. | Los Angeles, CA 90011 | 6-8pm
LOS ANGELES, CA | Saturday, March 27th
SEIU Local 721 | 500 S. Virgil Ave Los Angeles, CA | 1 pm-4pm
for more information or to endorse | para mas información o para patrocinar
call or write | llame o escriba
San Diego: 619-398-6648 | Los Angeles: 323-602-3480 | info@uniondelbarrio.org
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Latin American Labor Leaders
Tour the U.S.
Tour the U.S.
Public Event Schedule
and Contact Info
Donations needed and welcome. Use the DONATE button on this page or contribute at the event in your area.
Gilda Chacón Bravo, (not in U.S. as of 3/23)
Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, Federacion Sindical Mundial—Americas—
Ronald Quesada Zamora,
Secretaría de Nacionales e Internacionales de UNDECA—
and Contact Info
Donations needed and welcome. Use the DONATE button on this page or contribute at the event in your area.
Gilda Chacón Bravo, (not in U.S. as of 3/23)
Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, Federacion Sindical Mundial—Americas—
Ronald Quesada Zamora,
Secretaría de Nacionales e Internacionales de UNDECA—
March 17, 18—Washington, D.C.
Eben Levey 202-258-8435,
eblevey at gmail dot com, or
eblevey at gmail dot com, or
Carl Gentile 240-285-6519,
1187 at comcast dot net March 19—Philadelphia
7 pm SEIU Local 668
1924 Spring Garden St., 19130
Contact: International Action Center
Phone: 215-729-5695
Email: PhillyIAC@peoplesmail.net
Phone: 215-729-5695
Email: PhillyIAC@peoplesmail.net
March 21—Cleveland
3 pm Local 1005 UAW
5615 Chevrolet Blvd., 44130
March 22—Toledo, OH
7 pm Farm Labor Organizing Committee
1221 Broadway St., Toledo, OH 43609
For more information: bmaya1 at floc.com
Phone: 419-243-3456
1221 Broadway St., Toledo, OH 43609
For more information: bmaya1 at floc.com
Phone: 419-243-3456
March 23—Detroit Metro
7 pm Bookstore
5920 Second Ave., 48202
March 24—Chicago CANCELLED
7 pm U.E. Hall,
37 S. Ashland Ave., 60607
37 S. Ashland Ave., 60607
Contact: 773-376-7521 or email: Stansfieldsmith at yahoo dot com
March 26—San Diego
6 pm Teamster’s Hall
2731 “B” St., 92102
2731 “B” St., 92102
Contact: Union del Barrio: 619-398-6648
or IAC: 619-255-4585
or IAC: 619-255-4585
March 27—Los Angeles
1-4 pm SEIU 721
500 S. Virgil, 90020
500 S. Virgil, 90020
6-8 pm Santee Educational Complex
1921 S. Maple Ave., 90011
1921 S. Maple Ave., 90011
Contact: Union del Barrio: 323-602-3480
or IAC: 323-306-6240
March 28—Dallas
6 pm Pan-African Connection Bookstore and Resource Center
612 E. Jefferson Blvd, Dallas, Texas 75203
Contact: Akwete Tyehimba at 214-943-8262
Email: panafric at airmail dot net
Contact: Akwete Tyehimba at 214-943-8262
Email: panafric at airmail dot net
March 29 - New York
6-9 pm SEIU 1199
310 W. 43 St., Auditorium
Sponsored by: SEIU1199 Latin American Caribbean Committee
RSVP: Luis Matos 917-570-0506
Latin American Caribbean Committee (LACDC)For general information, to schedule an interview or additional event,
call: 313-575-4933.
call: 313-575-4933.
Sponsored by:
U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange, World Federation of Trade Unions, International Action Center and supported by organizations and individuals across the U.S.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Dec. 6 Migration and Immigration at SIXTH U.S./Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico Tijuana Labor Conference
The conference’s Sunday session focused on issues pertaining to immigrant workers and their struggles. The opening speaker was Ben Prado, a leader of Unión del Barrio. Prado asserted the right of Indigenous people, in particular the Mexican people, to retake possession of the land of what is now known as the U.S. Southwest. He denounced the racist U.S. policy of Manifest Destiny, which attempted to justify the genocidal policies of the historic European invasion, which wrested total control of the North American continent from its former inhabitants.
Addressing the economic crisis, he said, “We know this crisis. We have been living it for more than 15 years.” He described the former circular migration, where Mexican workers working on this side of the border returned to their families periodically. He pointed out that this pattern has been replaced, since 1994 when the militarization of the border began, by the need for workers to bring their families with them, in the face of daunting fences and armed border guards.
Prado denounced the Democratic/Republican consensus in Washington , D.C. , for superexploitation of the most vulnerable workers. Migrating workers do the hardest work for the lowest pay. At the border, the so-called War on Terror becomes the so-called War on Drug Trafficking. But the strategy remains the same: criminalizing the working class.
Another topic of concern, he pointed out, is the privatization of prisons with its accompanying private investment in prison industries. Working for pennies a day, prisoners are now producing a vast array of commodities for the capitalist market.
Prado concluded his remarks describing the horrific character of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) raids, where families are broken up and children become wards of the state. “This is state terrorism,” he emphasized. “The challenge is organizing our communities. The change that’s happening in Latin America will be our guide.” His concluding thought: The re-election of Evo Morales in Bolivia this weekend is cause for great optimism.
The next speaker was Gloria Salcedo of Hermandad Mexicana Nacional. She paid tribute to Bert Corona, a great labor leader and organizer of immigrant workers, as someone who taught workers how to struggle. She asserted the urgent need for legalization of undocumented workers. This would mean, she explained, political, economic and religious power, something that all human beings want. The victories against racism, such as the election of Barack Obama are the result of our struggles, she noted. But we must continue the struggle. We can’t rest. We don’t know what the politicians are doing. We must organize for May 1.
Teresa Gutierrez, representing the New York May 1 Coalition and the International Migrants’ Alliance, opened with the observation that everyone should be proud that our pressure forced Lou Dobbs, the racist TV commentator who focused many of his attacks on immigrant workers, off the air. She then noted the worldwide character of the migration nightmare: an estimated 350,000,000 working class people who have been forced to leave their homes, due both to economic pressures and the environmental changes that are producing what is coming to be known as “climate immigration.”
Gutierrez accused the big bankers of responsibility for the deaths of unknown numbers of immigrants. She pointed out how, in New York City , the billionaire rulers and their political lackeys are using the excuse of the economic crisis for their failure to provide either equal marriage rights or legalization for undocumented workers. But polls have shown that most people are for these rights. So this ruse is very dangerous. She added that the government has the upper hand right now because there is no mass movement. “But we can’t let them divide our class,” she emphasized.
And it’s the same with international issues, she commented. “The Republicans openly supported the Honduran coup. And what was Zelaya’s crime from their point of view? He wanted to raise the minimum wage in Honduras so workers wouldn’t have to come to the U.S. to earn a living wage. Hypocrites! We confronted Sen. Charles Schumer in East Harlem because his immigration proposal is terrible. We were polite. He wasn’t. He said he would meet with immigration rights groups. He hasn’t.
“The only thing we can count on is mobilizing in the streets. We need to organize in a new way because there is a crisis and they are trying to divide us, to get us to fight each other. We have to raise the war and the sham election in Honduras . Threats against Cuba and Venezuela must be raised as well as the potential destruction of the planet. Take the advice of the Cuban comrades yesterday to raise the political level. It won’t be easy.
The International Migrants’ Alliance was put together by the Filipino comrades. It’s clear about being anti-imperialist. So we look for ways to unite all the global struggles. As our Colombian comrades told us yesterday, we have to use technology. We need an international May Day, except for Israel . One day May Day will be a worldwide strike!”
Joy de Guzman, representing the Global Council for International Migrants and the International League of Peoples Struggle, spoke next. She observed that, in common with all the peoples of Latin America , the Filipino people have a terrible historic legacy of colonization. “But really, it’s imperialism,” she noted. Presently, Filipino immigrant workers are scattered in 196 other countries and the remittances they send home constitute a very important part of the Filipino economy. These workers face long hours, low wages, sexual abuse and all the other common features of superexploitation. They are mostly unorganized. They need our help to become organized so that they can challenge their exploitation.
Martín López Ortiz, speaking for the Frente Amplia de Izquierda Social, announced an ambitious project, already underway, for a Latin American sanctuary for workers in the Mexican state of Michoacán. The sanctuary will run on an economy based on sharing rather than private profit. The workers of Michoacán will no longer have to cross borders to survive and the sanctuary will welcome all migrant workers as an alternative to forced immigration.
John Parker, Los Angeles organizer of the Bail Out the People Movement, spoke on the pressing issue of Black/Brown unity. Historically, he explained, unpaid slave labor allowed U.S. society to grow strong economically. “We African Americans share this reality of superexploitation with immigrant workers. It’s an important basis for unity. Another point worth mulling over is the contact that most immigrant workers maintain with family and friends in their home countries. Suppose the Spanish plans of colonial conquest had been revealed in time to the Indigenous peoples of the Americas . With modern communication, the situation for cooperation among workers of different nationalities is much more favorable today.
“Right now, U.S. imperialism has its eyes on Africa, in particular the newly discovered oil deposits off the coast of Ghana and around the Horn of Africa. So already under Obama there is more U.S. military activity in Africa , sometimes involving 30 nations at a time. What will African Americans think when they see their African relatives being killed? They will be very angry. The government will respond with more domestic repression, more state terrorism. So we need unity with Native, Asian, Latino and white workers.”
Parker urged Black and Brown workers to find opportunities to stand in solidarity with each other’s struggles, not just for the immediate benefit, but also understanding what a powerful example such actions are for the rest of our class. “With class unity,” he concluded, “our victory is assured.”
It was a great honor for the conference to have among its attendees José González, representing the Binational Front of Indigenous Organizations. He opened his presentation with the observation, “I am a stranger in my own land.” He came to the U.S. from Oaxaca , Mexico , out of necessity and was a farm worker for seven years. He recounted how hard crossing the border was. Referring to his co-panelist Ben Prado, he said, “I took Ben last month to meet my brothers living in a canyon.” He observed that what goes on in the agricultural fields is modern slavery. “We have a common enemy,” he concluded. “Capitalism!”
An earlier speaker at the conference had referred to the kidnapping of a Tijuana union activist on Dec. 4. At the conclusion of the Sunday session, Dr. Pedro Salcedo Guzmán of the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Sociales took the floor to ask that conference attendees sign a petition demanding an immediate investigation into the abduction. Clearly angry at this act of anti-worker terrorism in Tijuana , Salcedo Guzmán assured the conference that such acts would not silence the spirits of Martí, Che and other revolutionary heroes who were such an inspiration to continue the struggle for all the victims asking for justice.
Other speakers who took the floor at the conference’s ending included Fernando Velázquez, who reminded the audience of the need to take advantage of the technological possibilities of spreading revolutionary ideas, such as those expressed at the conference, Carmen Valadez of the Tijuana Workers’ Information Center (CITTAC), who spoke briefly on the continuing struggle of the people of Atenco and recent attacks on Mexican Indigenous people.
Finally, Sabrina Green of the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal took the floor to speak on the current, very dangerous legal situation facing this globally recognized political prisoner. Dec. 9 is the 28th anniversary of his frameup by the Philadelphia police. He is still on death row and the racist state is still seeking to have him executed, totally unconcerned with the mountain of evidence demonstrating his innocence in the death of a police officer, evidence that has never been allowed in court.
It was a politically intense weekend. Though clearly not yet at this early stage a body worthy of the label “workers’ council,” or one capable of challenging on the international level imperialist political authority, these profoundly serious deliberations certainly set in many ways a minimum standard for the workers’ councils that are sure to follow.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Dec. 5 at SIXTH U.S./Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/North-South America Labor Conference, Dec. 4-6, 2009 Tijuana, Mexico
By Bob McCubbin
U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange member Ignacio Meneses opened the Saturday morning session with a reflection on revolutionary Cuba’s success, even during the darkest hours of the “special period” following the collapse of the Soviet Union, in maintaining its cordial relations with workers’ organizations all over the world and its refusal to reduce in any measure the many beneficial social programs enjoyed by its people. He noted, however, that Cuba and the nine-member Latin America ALBA alliance face a new resurgence of reaction: the precedent created by the Honduran coup against President Zelaya, the presence of the U.S. 4th Fleet in Latin American waters and the seven new U.S. military bases in Colombia .
The first speaker on the morning panel was Larry Holmes, whom Meneses, in his introduction, characterized as a leader in the U.S. workers’ movement for many years. Holmes opened with special praise for the Cuban comrades: “No other people have played a stronger role in supporting Black people in the U.S. ,” he noted. Holmes went on to emphasize the seriousness of the economic crisis in the U.S. and warned against the danger of inaction. He stressed the need to be in the streets, to push the unions into action and to embrace the unemployed, the immigrant workers and the poor. “Let me remind you,” he concluded, “that last year during this conference we got the news about the Republic Windows and Doors takeover. When the workers stand up, they win!”
Following Holmes, José Rivera of the Frente Amplio de Solidaridad y Lucha of Puerto Rico spoke. He reported with pride that Puerto Rican workers have expressed their solidarity with the Mexican electrical workers who were recently fired by Mexican President Vicente Calderón with a huge protest at the Mexican consulate in San Juan . He also described the attempts by Puerto Rican Gov. Luis Fortuño to impose neoliberal solutions for the Puerto Rican economic crisis. These “solutions” include the firing of 30,000 workers, something the governor had previously promised not to do. Some 50 organizations, including 18 unions, have responded to the call to fight back. There have been dramatic mass actions including marches and the mass takeover of the San Juan banking district. “We are being called terrorists and they are threatening to use the Patriot Act against us,” Rivera said. The workers’ response, he suggested, must be a general strike.
Next, Raymundo Navarro, director of foreign relations of the Cuban CTC (Confederation of Cuban Workers), spoke. He commented on the importance Cubans attach to the international solidarity they’ve always received. He emphasized that without it, he didn’t know what would happen to Cuba . He estimated that the U.S. imposed blockade against Cuba has cost them $96 billion. An added obstacle imposed by nature, the fierce hurricanes Cuba has had to contend with, have caused $10 billion in damages. A third difficulty they presently face is the world economic crisis. Navarro said that Cubans appreciate the difference in tone of the new U.S. administration, but, though the methods are now different, the objectives remain the same. There is still a demand for concessions on our part and we reject that, he emphasized.
He urged the audience to remain alert, as Cuba prepares for more sophisticated methods to be used against it. “In Cuba they will find a poor and humble people, but with much dignity,” he added. He enumerated six Cuban demands: the U.S. must lift the blockade, free the Cuban Five, eliminate Radio and TV Martí, stop financing internal subversion, return Guantánamo to Cuban control and repeal the Cuban Adjustment Act.
Elaborating on the economic problems Cuba faces, he pointed out that world market prices for nickel and sugar, important Cuban exports, are way down, while the price of foods that Cuba must import are up. Reflective of the general orientation of Cuba ’s workers’ government, when low world market sugar prices resulted in job displacement for 150,000 sugar cane workers, Fidel Castro said, “Let the workers study and continue to be paid.” An added factor that highlights Cuba ’s economic vulnerability is the decreasing ratio of active workers maintaining retired workers. Fewer children and longer life spans represent yet another, though related, economic problem.
With understandable pride, given the harsh economic realities, Navarro concluded his talk with a challenge to the deriders of Cuban socialism: “We graduated 186,000 students this year. We openly invite the imperialists and their bootlickers to find one student who didn’t get a job.” Unemployment in Cuba is 1.8 percent despite the world economic crisis.
Semprum pointed out that explaining all of the missions created by President Chávez would take a long time, but he was clearly proud of the countrywide literacy program undertaken with Cuba ’s assistance, the national health program, also undertaken with Cuban help, the national agenda in favor of women, and the strong solidarity between the people and the military. Semprum reminded the audience several times that the overriding U.S. goal is seizure of Venezuelan oil and other natural resources. He cited the U.S. military presence in neighboring Colombia and internal subversion financed by the U.S. as major threats. As a leader of the subway workers union, he is well aware of the potential for sabotage of public transportation, pointing out that two million people a day use the Caracas subway system and damage to the system would create an immediate economic crisis.
A further problem is continuing capitalist control of the major media. To get around this problem, there is strong government support for local, community-based media, mass use of inexpensive cell phones and a government supported mass organization called Madres del Barrio involving women in the working class communities who are paid for security and other community-based work.
CTC leader Carmen Godinez took the floor next to ask for conference endorsement of a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama. The letter, although diplomatically phrased, was a strong demand that the Cuban Five be released from
Two Colombian labor leaders with the country’s national telephone union, Óscar Gustavo Penagos and Segundo Hernández Cañón, opened the second Saturday. session. They come from a country where more than 3,800 union leaders and labor activists have been assassinated since the mid 1980s. (henningcenter.berkeley.edu)
Penagos explained how Colombian society is presently ruled by criminals. President Álvaro Uribe has been an open promoter of paramilitarism. Many former members of the national legislature are in prison based on proven links to the paramilitary forces. The former chief of intelligence, now in prison, was providing the paramilitaries with lists of progressives to kill. Drug trafficking and money laundering continue to be big business.
The present U.S./Colombia military treaty is an agreement between the world’s biggest drug producer and its biggest drug consumer. In addition to the use of seven new military bases, the treaty gives the U.S. control of Colombia ’s telecommunications network. The Colombia military has, in fact, become an appendage of the Pentagon. One of the new airbases under the control of the U.S. is so huge that three aircraft can lift off at the same time. Such facilities are not needed for combating guerrillas or drug traffickers. The seven U.S. bases are clearly designed for international espionage and war. They are bases of a new type with the ability to threaten all of Latin America and can also be used as jumping off places for attacks on other continents, Africa in particular.
Penagos proposed a May Day solidarity action by Venezuela and Ecuador on the border with Colombia where the imperialist puppets killed comandante Raúl Reyes. He asked for a conference resolution rejecting the seven new military bases, emphasizing, “Uribe is a puppet of U.S. imperialism! Long live the unity of the workers of the world!”
Hernández Cañón pointed out that anyone with a cell phone anywhere in the world can now be monitored by the imperialists. He also noted that TVs are now going to be made interactive. However, he added, the people are learning how to use this technology against the imperialists. He concluded his presentation with a succinct characterization of the present Colombian situation: “vende patria” – sold out country.
Representing the Frente Amplia de Izquierda Social de México, Gabriela Santos Romero described her group as an umbrella of 53 progressive organizations and unions in struggle. She stressed the need for national and international unity among working people and described the position of the Mexican electrical workers, the Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas, as very difficult right now given the government’s neoliberal attempts to privatize electricity and other utilities. Nevertheless, the work stoppage in September and the unity shown against the government on the International Day of Action on Dec. 3 in solidarity with the 45,000 SME workers who have lost their jobs show the importance of a broad front to fight against the empire.
The moderator for the third session on Saturday was Cheryl LaBash, a key organizer with the U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange.
The first speaker was Carlos Mejía of the Frente Resistencia Hondureña. Mejía saluted the Cuban Five and reminded everyone that we must not just oppose the Honduran coup but also stand with all the workers’ organizations of the world. He pointed out that a mere 21 percent of Honduran voters participated in the recent sham election on Nov. 29. And at least 661 people have been murdered up to the date of the election, with four of his comrades seized and disappeared on election day. Mejía called for unity of all the anti-coup forces.
Celina Benítez of the Coalición por la Paz in Honduras witnessed the Honduran election at first hand. “We were in Honduras , in part, to report human rights violations. I was also there to speak with the people. My life and the lives of my comrades were threatened.” Benítez continued: “In the ‘80s I heard stories about El Salvador . Now I’ve seen it in Honduras .”
Bayan USA -- the New Patriotic Alliance -- was represented by Kuusela Hilo, who had just returned from the Philippines . Hilo spoke in front of a projection of a newspaper front-page article announcing the intention of Melissa Rojas, Los Angeles Bayan coordinator, to take the Filipino authorities who tortured her to court. Hilo began by noting her membership in the International League of Peoples Struggle and explained how that group organizes Cuba solidarity meetings that are attended by hundreds of students.
Describing the present situation in the Philippines , she said that a Katrina-like situation exists there due to recent terrible natural disasters. Over one million people have been permanently displaced and more than 3,000 people are forced to leave the country every day to find work. But a disturbing human rights crisis is also in progress, with 1,013 cases of extrajudicial killings, 1,010 cases of torture and 202 cases of forced disappearances. All this repression is being funded by U.S. imperialism, which views the Philippines , just as it does Colombia , as a strategic area and has poured in over $1 billion in military aid in the last 10 years and has plans to increase that aid. It also has troops permanently based there, in direct violation of Philippine sovereignty.
Clarence Thomas, speaking on behalf of the International Longshore Workers Union Local 10 and the Million Worker March Movement, gave an inspiring history of his union’s international solidarity actions and support for progressive struggles in the U.S. He urged that special attention be paid to the most oppressed workers, people of color and immigrants. He pointed out that support for May Day in the U.S. was reawakened by the most exploited sector of the working class, the immigrant workers. Labor, he insisted, must look beyond the scope of business unionism. The way forward for the working class, he emphasized, is for labor to become part of the vanguard for social justice.
Service Employees International Union Local 721 activist Luz Díaz spoke next with a personal history. Her Mexican grandfather, running for mayor in a town in the state of Jalisco 40 years ago, courageously defended the right of the Indigenous people of the area to own the land they worked and urged that they be allowed to receive free education. For these progressive stands he was murdered. Observing that things haven’t changed much, she noted that a Tijuana union leader had been kidnapped that very morning. Continuing her personal history, she told how her mother was the victim of a common trick of the bosses. Rather than pay her for her labor picking grapes, the boss, knowing she was undocumented, called the immigration authorities on her just before payday. Díaz called unions necessary tools in the fight for a decent life.
The last speaker for this session, before the floor was opened for a spirited open mike discussion, was Cristina Vázquez, of Workers United. Her union affiliated this year with SEIU. She acknowledged all the unions present, she said, but especially those from other countries, who had come at great expense and sacrifice and often, danger. She commented that this year of global economic crisis has been the hardest for negotiating new labor contracts. But it is also the beginning of the fightback. “We know how to organize,” she affirmed.
At this point in the program, Raymundo Navarro took the floor to offer special recognition, on behalf of the CTC, of Ike Nahem of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen and Ignacio Meneses of the U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange for their long exemplary records of Cuba solidarity work.
Carmen Godinez of the CTC then offered a short lesson on the history of ALBA, the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas , and its accomplishments. She characterized it as an integration that benefits the masses with its goal of eliminating inequalities. The basic idea is to increase the independence of its members from the imperialist financial system. Created through the initiative of Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro, it now counts nine nations of Latin America and the Caribbean as members.
Opening discussion from the floor, Jefferson Azevedo of the Los Angeles International Action Center spoke briefly on the necessity for solidarity with the struggling people of Palestine . Jorge Mercado of the Frente Farabundo Martí de Liberación Nacional of Los Angeles raised the need to rescue working class history, such as the heroes of the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago in 1886, and revive May 1 as the international workers’ day. Mercado also noted Hugo Chávez’s proposal for the creation of a 5th Workers’ International.
Other topics of discussion raised from the floor were the present international role of Brazil, the problem of a generally conservative union leadership in the U.S., the need for more political education geared toward workers, the current situation in Haiti, the need to make imperialist war a working class issue and the need for unions in the U.S. to stop handing over the workers’ union dues to the Democratic and Republican parties. We need, Ben Prado of the Unión del Barrio urged, to start offering financial support to socialist candidates for public office. On the topic of making war a working class issue, Teresa Gutierrez of the New York City May 1 Coalition offered an incident at an ant-Honduran coup protest where there was, at first, resistance on the part of a few to the idea of also raising the U.S. war against Afghanistan. But they were turned around by the argument that Hondurans and Afghans are fighting the same bully. Finally, Cristina Vázquez urged the assembly, “Promise yourself to bring one more person or organization to this conference next year!”
wwphotos credit: Bob McCubbin (workers.org)
wwphotos credit: Bob McCubbin (workers.org)
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