Sunday, October 30, 2011

Latin American Labor Conference focus on worker emancipation

See instructions in column under DONATE button.

Latin American Labor Conference to focus on worker emancipation
La Prensa San Diego is a bilingual, widely distributed weekly in the San Diego area. The current issue includes Rocky Neptun's fine article promoting the Tijuana conference. Thank you, Rocky!

Fri, Oct 28, 2011
By Rocky NeptunSan Diego Indy Media
    From Tehran to Scotland, from Hong Kong to the always fiery, militant youth of Rome, the Occupy Wall Street movement has spread across the globe. Tired and angry over decades of corporate owned capitalism, where wealthy stockholders and huge multi-national corporations set the agenda for political and economic policy decisions, plunging millions of middle-class families into poverty, exacerbating the conditions of the already destitute, and forcing millions of youth into either wage slavery or no future at all; the world’s 99% have taken to the streets.
    Yet, on that vast continent south of the Atrato Swamp, colonized and exploited for centuries, there were no “occupy” encampments. The people of South American, with the exception of still Yankee dominated Colombia, over the last two decades, have, slowly at first, then rapidly, begun to take back their governments and economies from both the international corporations and their own local corrupt elites.
    There was no sudden revolution —only the memory of Che— no storming of the Bastille nor Concord Old North Bridge, no shot heard ‘round the world;’ just the experience of authentic community action and tangible solidarity. First, the villagers took control of what was closest to them – their faith.  Steeped in the liberation theology of Jesus’ true ministry, his support of the poor and the disenfranchised, they kicked out the priests and bishops who pampered and supported the rich. Then parish by parish, village by township, city by city, they began organizing, putting forth candidates for local offices; when some of those were arrested, beaten and sometimes killed, others stepped into their places. Workers throughout the continent began occupying work places (a thought for U.S. occupiers, no?) and taking back their unions from corporate lackeys and power liberals with huge salaries.
    The growth and strength of the Latin American labor movement for participatory democracy and economic fairness will highlight the 8th Annual Latin American Labor Conference in Tijuana, Mexico. The theme of the early December international gathering is “Continental Integration & Working-Class Unity,” and will explore how Latin American countries have chosen to create alternatives which integrate economies focused on human needs (health-care, education, housing) and not corporate profits.”
    A vital component of people first economies according to the conference’s organizers —the U.S. based Labor Exchange— is to build co-operative, collective and worker-owned systems and structures outside the corporate and bank controlled neo-liberal model. Participants of the Trade Union Meeting of Our America movement, who have held meetings throughout the hemisphere and in Central America and Mexico recently, will report on their efforts at worker emancipation. Also to be discussed will be the Bolivarian Alliance’s determination (9 Latin and Caribbean Nations) to achieve a viable alternative to the greed, environmental destructiveness and dehumanization of the corporate owned economic system.
    The Conference in Tijuana, December 2-4, at the Hotel Palacio Azteca will be preceded by a three day “Worker’s School,” November 29, 30 and Dec. 1, formed by the Federacion Sindical Mundial of Mexico and the Central Trabajadores de Cuba. The classes, both in Spanish and English, as is the conference itself, will educate and prepare workers, employees, the unemployed, underemployed and youth without possibility of a decent future, for the coming conflagration  between the 1% who hoard the planet’s wealth and all the rest of us.
    Speaking at both the worker’s school and the conference will be those on the frontline of the war for economic democracy: including Juan Barahona, of the often attacked Honduras Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular; Leonardo Batalla, from the PIT CNT of Uruguay, Jacobo Torres de Leon, representing the Fuerza Socialista Bolivariana de Trabajadores de Venezuela; Joao Batista Lemos, who is Secretario Adjunto de Relaciones Internacionales for the Brazilian labor union CTB; and, Humberto Montes de Oca, from the government mugged Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas.
    There will also be representatives from Ecuador’s Confederacion de Trabajadores; Bolivia’s Central Obrero Boliviano, Cuba’s Central de Trabajadores, and the United States’ SEIU local 721.
    The Labor Conference registration is $80.00 for the three-day event or $55.00 for the weekend only. The Worker’s School fee is $60.00 for the entire three days of classes and discussions. Registration is at or calling (313) 355-8566 or online at Reservations at the Hotel Placio Azteca can be made at (01) 800-026-6660.
    For any local student or unemployed person who wishes to attend, the Director of the San Diego Renters Union’s lover, a Mexican national, has made accommodations in his home in Tijuana available free of charge for the full six days of classes and conference. Also, the San Diego Renters Union is offering three scholarships for both the school and the conference. Go to their website,www.SanDiegoRentersUnion or call (619) 450-9804 to apply.
    Across the Southern Hemisphere millions of workers and unemployed have locked arms in solidarity to create space for justice and equality, to not only occupy their workplaces but to own them; let us not only support them but learn and “spread the experiences.”

Friday, October 28, 2011

2011 Tijuana Conference



It's the EIGHTH Cuba/Venezuela/North America/Latin America Labor Conference - and 3-day workers' school. Register now, online with charge card or paypal account at:

(For mail registration, print out the form below and mail that with a check to Labor Exchange, POB 39188, Redford, MI 48239 to be received by Nov. 20)

1) Click on DONATE button (upper right at, follow instructions
** Conference $80 (Dec. 2, 3, 4)
** 3-day workers' classes $60   (Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1)
3) Enter the dollar amount - $60, $80 or $140 for both (or more, if you can afford an additional donation to help with costs.) You and the Labor Exchange will both receive an email receipt that will be used at the conference to confirm your payment.
5) Send the info on the form below to:
THEN - Make your hotel registration at Hotel Palacio Azteca, request the Cuba Labor Conference rate that includes breakfast and Saturday dinner (if you do not stay in the Hotel Palacio Azteca, please pay $25 extra for dinner on Saturday)

(Send your hotel confirmation number to Hotel details are farther down in this post. (If you have any problems with reserving a hotel room, please let us know - call: 313 675-4026.)

Conference Registration/ Datos para su inscripción a la Conferencia:
City,State, Zip/Ciudad, Estado, Zona Postal: _______
Email/Correo Electronico: ______________________

Enclosed is my registration fee(s) of:
[ ]$ 80 U.S. dollars (includes dinner and special Free the Cuban Five program with family members from Cuba)
[ ]$ 60 U.S. dollars for 3-day workers' school

[ ]$ 25 for Saturday dinner. I/we are not staying at the Hotel Palacio Azteca.
[ ] I would like to give a donation of $ ________ for a low-income participant.

[ ]Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 80 dolares US - conferencia
[ ]Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 60 dolares US -curso laboral
[ ]y quisiera aportar la cantidad de $_______para aquellos participantes de bajo ingreso.

Make checks payable to: Labor Exchange (if you don't pay online)
Haga los chekes pagables a: Labor Exchange

US/Cuba Labor Exchange ● P.O. BOX 39188 ● Redford MI 48239
● Phone: (313) 675 4026 ● Email:
(alternate contact: 313 355-8566 or

WORKERS' SCHOOL (Nov. 29, 30 and Dec. 1): Working together with the Federacion Sindical Mundial in Mexico, the U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange, partnered with Union del Barrio, International Action Center and other organizers will convene a 3-day workers' school featuring instructor from the Central Trabajadores de Cuba (Cuba's Central Union organization), from Mexico and the U.S.
Register now -- put in your vacation request! Nov. 29, 30 and Dec. 1.
Class begins on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 9 am at the Hotel Palacio Azteca in Tijuana, Mexico.

FREE THE CUBAN FIVE: With the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five, the night of solidarity will ask, "Will the real terrorist please stand up?" a new film by Saul Landau. Hear the latest developments in the international struggle for justice for the Cuban Five.

Dec. 2, 3, 4 

Discuss the global capitalist economic crisis and the struggle for working class unity to win the better world that is possible for workers and oppressed nations. Share the emerging battles in the U.S. with the experiences and victories in the South. Encuentro Sindical de Nuestra America co-ordinators from Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay are attending ... Cuba, Venezuela, Electrical workers from Mexico who have occupied the Xocalo in Mexico City since March, teachers from Michoacan and more.

VENUE: Hotel Palacio Azteca, Tijuana, Mexico:
Hotel Reservations/Reservaciones de Hotel:
Hotel Palacio Azteca
Blvd Cuauhtemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila 22400 Tijuana, Mexico
*Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660
Please mention the/Favor de mencionar para un descuento al: Cuba Labor Conference to get the special price:
Single/Sencilla Room $81 U.S.Dollars * Double/Doble Room $116 U.S. Dollars*
*(Room rates include two breakfasts and one Saturday dinner per person)
*(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena por persona)
Saturday: Coffee and sweets all day * Sabado: Cafe y bocadillos todo el dia
Reservations should be made as soon as possible/Realice su reservacion lo antes possible.
*If you have a problem please call 313 675-4026 or (alternate contact 313 355-8566.or

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tijuana Workers' School and Labor Conference!

WORKERS' SCHOOL: Working together with the Federacion Sindical Mundial in Mexico, the U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange, partnered with Union del Barrio, International Action Center and other organizers will convene a 3-day workers' school featuring instructors from the Central Trabajadores de Cuba (Cuba's Central Union organization), from Mexico and the U.S. Sign up now for more information - send an email to -- put in your vacation request! Nov. 29, 30 and Dec. 1.

FREE THE CUBAN FIVE: With the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five, the night of solidarity will ask, "Will the real terrorist please stand up?" a new film by Saul Landau. Hear the latest developments in the international struggle for justice for the Cuban Five.

8th U.S./Cuba/Mexico/Latin America Labor Conference, 
Dec. 2, 3, 4 at the Hotel Palacio Azteca:
Hotel Reservations/Reservaciones de Hotel:
Hotel Palacio Azteca
Blvd Cuauhtemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila 22400 Tijuana, Mexico
*Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660
Conference check in starts Friday afternoon, Dec. 2 - Conference ends 3 pm Sunday, Dec. 4
Please mention the/Favor de mencionar para un descuento al: Cuba Labor Conference to get the special price:
Single/Sencilla Room $81 U.S.Dollars * Double/Doble Room $116 U.S. Dollars*
*(Room rates include two breakfasts and one Saturday dinner per person)
*(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena por persona)
Saturday: Coffee and sweets all day * Sabado: Cafe y bocadillos todo el dia
Reservations should be made as soon as possible/Realice su reservacion lo antes possible.
*If you have a problem please call 313 675-4026 or (alternate contact 313 355-8566.or


REGISTER and PAY online Tijuana Labor Conference and school

It's the EIGHTH Cuba/Venezuela/North America/Latin America Labor Conference - and 3-day Workers' School. Register now, online!

Want to Register and pay online with charge card or paypal account? Here's how at

1) Click on DONATE button (upper right at, follow instructions


2) Conference $80 (Dec. 2, 3, 4)

3) 3-day workers' classes $60   (Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1)

4) Enter the dollar amount - $60, $80 or $140 for both (or more, if you can afford an additional donation to help with costs.) You and the Labor Exchange will both receive an email receipt that will be used at the conference to confirm your payment.

4) Send the info on the form below to:

THEN - Make your hotel registration at Hotel Palacio Azteca, request the Cuba Labor Conference rate that includes breakfast and Saturday dinner (if you do not stay in the Hotel Palacio Azteca, please pay $25 extra for dinner on Saturday)

(Send your hotel confirmation number to Hotel details are farther down in this post. (If you have any problems with reserving a hotel room, please let us know - call: 313 675-4026.)

Conference Registration/ Datos para su inscripción a la Conferencia:



City,State, Zip/Ciudad, Estado, Zona Postal: _______


Email/Correo Electronico: ______________________


Enclosed is my registration fee(s) of:
[ ]$ 80 U.S. dollars (includes dinner and special Free the Cuban Five program with family members from Cuba)
[ ]$ 60 U.S. dollars for 3-day workers' school

[ ] I would like to give a donation of $ ________ for a low-income participant.

[ ]Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 80 dolares US - conferencia
[ ]Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 60 dolares US -
[ ]y quisiera aportar la cantidad de $_______para aquellos participantes de bajo ingreso.

Make checks payable to: Labor Exchange (if you don't pay online)
Haga los chekes pagables a: Labor Exchange

US/Cuba Labor Exchange ● P.O. BOX 39188 ● Redford MI 48239 ● Phone/Fax: (313) 575 4933 ● Email:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Conference - Dec. 2, 3, 4
Workers' School - Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1
all at Hotel Palacio Azteca - Tijuana, Mexico 
see Registration info in the list to the right

Friday, October 7, 2011

2011 Tijuana UPDATE!

2011 Tijuana - Dec. 2, 3, 4 Workers' School! NEW

WORKERS' SCHOOL: Working together with the Federacion Sindical Mundial in Mexico, the U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange, partnered with Union del Barrio, International Action Center and other organizers will convene a 3-day workers' school featuring instructor from the Central Trabajadores de Cuba (Cuba's Central Union organization), from Mexico and the U.S. Sign up now for more information - send an email to -- put in your vacation request! Nov. 29, 30 and Dec. 1.

FREE THE CUBAN FIVE: With the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five, the Dec. 2 Friday night of solidarity will feature ask, "Will the real terrorist please stand up?" a new film by Saul Landau.

8th U.S./Cuba/Mexico/Latin America Labor Conference, 
Dec. 2, 3, 4 at the Hotel Palacio Azteca:
Hotel Reservations/Reservaciones de Hotel:
Hotel Palacio Azteca
Blvd Cuauhtemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila 22400 Tijuana, Mexico
*Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660
Conference check in starts Friday afternoon, Dec. 2 - Conference ends 3 pm Sunday, Dec. 4
Please mention the/Favor de mencionar para un descuento al: Cuba Labor Conference to get the special price:
Single/Sencilla Room $81 U.S.Dollars * Double/Doble Room $116 U.S. Dollars*
*(Room rates include two breakfasts and one Saturday dinner per person)
*(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena por persona)
Saturday: Coffee and sweets all day * Sabado: Cafe y bocadillos todo el dia
Reservations should be made as soon as possible/Realice su reservacion lo antes possible.
*If you have a problem please call 313 675-4026 or (alternate contact 313 355-8566.or
