On July 10 a beautiful passenger van decorated by renown artist Tyree Guyton will join the Pastors for Peace caravan to Cuba. The theme of the art work on the van is Freedom for the Cuban Five - Time to Go home. Join us at the Dinner and Dance on July 10 or help fund the van ... contribute through the donate button on this page. The first "5" is painted by young Heidelberg Project artists who heard a presentation about the case of the Cuban Five.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Labor Exchange donates van to CTC - can you help?
On July 10 a beautiful passenger van decorated by renown artist Tyree Guyton will join the Pastors for Peace caravan to Cuba. The theme of the art work on the van is Freedom for the Cuban Five - Time to Go home. Join us at the Dinner and Dance on July 10 or help fund the van ... contribute through the donate button on this page. The first "5" is painted by young Heidelberg Project artists who heard a presentation about the case of the Cuban Five.
Cuban 5,
Pastors for Peace,
Tyree Guyton,