Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dec. 4, 5, 6 in Tijuana!
The SIXTH Cuba/Venezuela/North America/Latin America Labor Conference - register and pay now online!

For anyone planning to register at the door - please don't wait to make your hotel reservations at Hotel Palacio Azteca. Call Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660.
Be sure to ask for the special rate for CUBA LABOR CONFERENCE.

Want to Register and pay online with charge card or paypal account? Here's how at

1) Click on DONATE button (upper right at, follow instructions
2) Conference Registration is $55 (an additional $30 donation [$20 for residents of Mexico] is requested for the special Free the Five dinner on Friday with Olga Salanueva, spouse of Cuban Five hero Rene Gonzalez)
3) Enter the dollar amount - $55 or $85 [$75 for residents of Mexico] (or more, if you can afford an additional donation to help with costs.) You and the Labor Exchange will both receive an email receipt that will be used at the conference to confirm your payment.
4) Send the info on the form below to

THEN - Make your hotel registration at Hotel Palacio Azteca, request the Cuba Labor Conference rate that includes breakfast and Saturday dinner (Send your hotel confirmation number to (If you have any problems with reserving a hotel room, please let us know - call: 313 575 4933.)

Conference Registration/ Datos para su inscripción a la Conferencia:



City,State, Zip/Ciudad, Estado, Zona postal:________


Email/Correo Electronico:____________________


[ ] Enclosed is my registration fee of $ 55 U.S. dollars ([ ] additional donation $30/$20 requested - special Free the Five dinner, Friday)

[ ] I would like to give a donation of $ ________ for a low-income participant.

[ ] Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 55 dolares US y quisiera aportar la cantidad de $_______para aquellos participantes de bajo ingreso. ([ ] donación adicional - 30/20 dolares – una cena especial – viernes – por Los Cincos)

Make checks payable to: Labor Exchange
Haga los chekes pagables a: Labor Exchange

US/Cuba Labor Exchange ● P.O. BOX 39188 ● Redford MI 48239 ● Phone/Fax: (313) 575 4933
● Email:

Reservations can be made at: Reservaciones de Hotel:

Hotel Palacio Azteca
Blvd Cuauhtemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila
22400 Tijuana, Mexico

*Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660
Single/Sencilla Room $80 U.S. Dollars
Double/Doble Room $114 U.S. Dollars
(This will included two breakfasts and one dinner)
(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena)

Please mention the/Favor de mencionar para un descueanto al:
Cuba Labor Conference to get the discounted price.
Reservations should be made as soon as possible/Realice su reservación lo antes possible.
*If you have a problem please call 313 575 4933 or